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Deep Bow To My Teachers:

By now, you can probably tell I love what I do.  It’s my dharma.  I feel profound gratitude for the ability to navigate this life with priceless tools doing what I truly love. This didn’t come easy, though.  I had to show up for it. I asked the fields of the Mystery for guidance.  It came, in abundance!  There have been an amazing array of teachers and mentors, who have become dear friends and colleagues. I want to name them here, as their work and gifts have informed me:

My son, Henry (who I knew was my teacher when he was a seed growing inside of me), Jeannine Mercer (Wise Woman, mother, friend, sister, grandmother to Henry), Kendrick Mercer (philosopher and seeker, teacher), Berta Kuhnel (Shamanic healing, mentor), Julie Hutslar (mentor and Master Guide), Tim Hutton (Craniosacral Therapy instructor with Upledger Institute), Brietta Leader (WildCore Movement and Massage, dance & elemental practices), Jumana Sophia (Her Mystery School), Krista Holland (Yoga and Living Arts) Lexi Delgado (Family Systems Constellations), Cynthia Goerig (coach and mentor), Carla-Allison Miller and Janice Lindgren (extraordinary mentors).
Oh there are many more!  And you keep coming…!

My deepest gratitude to you all for embracing me in such confidence and light.  I have learned that when we hold each other in our highest expression, it helps us to live up to it that much more!  Ultimately, we are the ones responsible for our choices and our perceptions.

My wish is to contribute to making this world a better place for each other, for our children and theirs, and so on.


Deep Bow To My Healers:

I want to give a special thanks to the practitioners and healers who have been there for me on my own journey personally. I’d like to give a shout out to:

Ajana Miki, Jamila Suzanne, Jasmine Patten, Mary Londos, Harmonee Ashlee, Avril Betoushana, Tim Coughlin, Juliet Butters-Doty, Caitlin Fears, Joy Hosey, Thunder Malloy, Heather Hutton, David Kaminker, Tamra Bokal, Shawn Miller, Judith Sanford, Blissa Nizzoli, Liz Love Jones, McClane Duncan, Chris Chlebowski, Gabrielle Dubendorfr, Yvette McGowen, Kristine Battey, Kristine Armstrong, Nicole Hutto, Karie Knoke, Ed Hunt, Julie Freed, Mira Sophia, Nina Gallway, Laura Loescher, Cynthia Sophia, Lorraine Fournier, Norton Smith, Jeffrey Herman and lastly to Cat Caruso for her bright light, beautiful artistry, and sharp mind!  

As I write this, I realize I could just keep going, there are so many others… I love you all and I’m so grateful that you are walking the planet and showing up in the beautiful ways that you do!  

I’m grateful to be in this body among you.

And to my siblings, nieces and nephews, you are the most beautiful kind people…I love you all! You are my roots, strong and deep. How fortunate we are to have each other! Blessings to Mom and Dad.